Will 2020 be seen as the tipping point year for Artificial Intelligence? Two Examples

Artificial Intelligence has been making great strides over the past decade on many different fronts. Here are three notable achievements:

  • IBM’s Watson beat the best human players at Jeopardy in 2011
  • Self driving cars and trucks have been getting better and better, to the point where Tesla seems to think the whole problem will be solved shortly
  • Tools like Alexa and Siri have become a part of normal life with their speech capabilities.

A lot of this feels like the inevitable march of progress and not that consequential, yet. But as described in Robotic Nation and The Second Intelligent Species there is going to come a point where AI starts to have a real impact of jobs, especially white collar jobs. And I wonder if we are going to look back and see 2020 as the tipping point year for that.

This video is fascinating. It describes AI designing and then building a car in great detail:

A.I. Designed this Car
Czinger 21C: the world’s first 3D printed hypercar | Top Gear

The advantages are so compelling that this kind of AI tech is going to take over the car industry. And this is the first company of this kind. Imagine what it will look like in a few years when the big players start adopting the technology.

Then there is this amazing article this week in Wired:

Give These Apps Some Notes and They’ll Write Emails for You – Entrepreneurs are building tools that create emails or marketing copy using GPT-3, text-generation technology released earlier this year.

GPT-3 is showing so much promise/potential, and is proving able to do so many amazing things, that it is mind blowing. These two videos try to explain what is happening:

From Essays to Coding, This New A.I. Can Write Anything
OpenAI GPT-3 – Good At Almost Everything! 

There is a graph in the second video where GPT-3 is getting close to human-level functionality in certain realms. It really starts to make you wonder about how many things AI will be taking over and how many jobs will be lost in the not-too-distant future. For more info see:

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