When I look in the mirror, it is easy to see that I am fat. More than half of American adults probably see the same kind of thing. But what is a person’s “ideal weight”? What do doctors think a person should weigh if he/she wants to be healthy? What do other people think?
This page can help you find an answer, by showing you several different interpretations for your ideal weight:
Better ideal weight body calculations
The conventional tool that medical professionals use today has to do with your Body Mass Index (BMI). That is the second calculation on the above page. BMI is a very simple formula that looks at your height and weight and calculates a ratio (The actual formula: You take your weight in kilograms and divide by your height in meters squared). Then you figure out where you stand based on the following table:
– Underweight: <18.5
– Normal: 18.5-24.9
– Overweight: 25-29.9
– Obese: BMI of 30 or greater
Before starting the Dukan Diet I was officially Obese. I moved from Obese to Overweight yesterday after losing 20 pounds. Now I need to lose about 30 more pounds to get into the very upper fringe of “Normal”. For me, a BMI of 24.9 translates into a weight of 174 pounds.
I have vague memories of once weighing 174. That was maybe 15 years ago. I am very curious to see if I can get anywhere near that weight again.
The first calculation on the calculator page is more generous. It is actually pretty interesting because it takes age and people’s perceptions into account, as explained here. For me, it is 184. I would be very happy to reach 184, ecstatic to reach 174. Those 2 weights are 20 and 30 pounds away, so it will be awhile.
See also this explanation of BMI:
Dukan Table of Contents
- My Dukan Diet Experience (I lost 52 pounds on this diet)
- How much does the Dukan Diet cost per day?
- Very cool calculator for calculating your specific dietary needs – Protein, carbs, fat, vitamins, etc.
- Fasting and Fasting diets – Four different ways to try a fasting diet
- Good question – what is your “ideal weight” if you want to be healthy?
- What can you do when you “get stuck” at some weight plateau on the Dukan diet (or any diet)
- Drew Carey loses 80 pounds with a no-carb diet
- How does your appearance change when you become obese?
- How does your appearance change when you become obese?
- Would you like to lose weight? Video shows the latest science on what works and what doesn’t
- This has got to be the easiest dieting/weight loss tip ever: drink more water
- How to make Greek yogurt at home and cut your yogurt costs in half
- I made half a gallon of Greek yogurt this weekend – talk about cheap and easy! And Tasty!
- All the dire warnings I have gotten about the Dukan diet have turned out to be wrong
- What if everything that we are taught about carbs is actually propaganda?
- How Carbohydrates Don’t Work – in fact, carbs are probably causing the obesity epidemic. If you are overweight, it is probably the carbs
- Why do we feel like we are entitled to carbs? That we cannot live without them?
- Today I officially reached the “50.0 pounds lost” milestone on my Dukan Diet weight loss journey, and you can too